March 30, 2008

Photos Uploaded to Website

I have uploaded all the photos from the recent show, KIDZ ROCK! They can be accessed from the music room website menu or by clicking here! Some of you may notice that the photos from your act were not included. For those of you who do not see your pictures online at this time, I need to get a Parental Release Form from each parent first. This forms states that I have permission to post images with you in them onto the internet. Without that form I cannot post any of your pictures. The form that I need filled out can be found here. After you get this form filled out and returned to the music room I will be able to upload any images that you can be clearly seen in. Sorry, but rules are rules. For everyone else, please feel free to browse the photos and remember that you put on one amazing show!

As soon as I finish editing some of the video I will be uploading that to the site as well. Keep checking to see when it is finished.

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