March 16, 2008

Changes to the Music Room Website

For those who visit the website on a regular basis you might have noticed some changes. The Server Host that I use for the Music Room Website has made some changes to their servers and as a result I have had to make some changes to the site in order to keep everything working. Don't worry...all the changes have been minor and to most people, won't even be noticed.

The biggest changes so far are the addition of this blog and the change in the form used to send me email comments and suggestions. Although the Feedback form has changed it has been tested and still works.

The addition of this blog will make it easier for me to update the Music News items without be required to republish the entire website every time I add some news. It is simply a time saver! I will try to make sure all of the important news is hosted on the blog as well as the "Music News" link on the website.

As I make more changes I will update this blog and the music news page to make sure everyone is aware of any changes and how the changes will create a BETTER music room website!

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