November 30, 2008

Updates are coming

Wow, with the school year flying by so quickly I have really neglected the updates to the music website. I plan to do better. This is going to be my homework for December.

There are a lot of events coming up soon. Our Winter Program is just around the corner. A New World Christmas will be performed on December 11th by the Koala Choir in our school cafetorium. Afterwards the Tanglewood Neighboord Associaition will be holding a Winter Celebration event across the street at the Tanglewood Park.

We also have round two of our "Chat with the Maestro" program coming up. This program allows classes to go online and have a conversation with Maestro Peter Bay, from the Austin Symphony Orchestra.

With all of the upcoming events and the fast pace of the events we have already had I just simply got behind on the monthly updates. Please feel free to look around the website. There will be many, many, many updates in the next few weeks.